Das Blog
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
  The Dog Blog
Conchitaweeta! Just kidding, but I really like Dari's idea of a made up spanish sounding name. How do you pronounce Pilar, is it Pee-lar or Pie-lar?

Is Agata really that bad anyway? I'm starting to like it, and we already call her that about half the time and OLIVE the other half (from my fav dog story
Olive the Other Reindeer.)

So here are the updates: she played with her toy rat today! but she's also having bad dreams where she whines twitches. Not much luck housebreaking either, she gets stagefright from the activity outside and can't go.
stagefright from the outside world huh? hmmm how about Svenlina?
doesn't look like theres alot to pinch on her..how are you coping?
I know she's solid non-pinchable muscle, it's hard. I'm going to fatten her up so there's something to pinch.
i like agata. and pilar is pronounced pee-lar (written like that it no longer sounds so appealing). i like k's shoes in that picture.
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